Monday, August 4, 2008

Artist: Yoshimoto Nara

Well, I'm not going to waste too much time talking about him because he's so widely known there's nt much point in regurgitating a bunch of info that can be found anywhere. Of the two very famous Japanese Artists, Yoshimoto Nara and Takashi Murakami I'd say Nara is my favorite although comparing them is sort of unfair. Murakami's works are, well, flat (duh) and generally in my opinion a little unfeeling (though they are awesome). Nara, on the other hand, seems more emotional in his work and I particularly love the cute but obviously danerous little girls he portrays. I recently got to look through the book from his first American Exhibit that a friend of mine has and it made me fall even more deeply in love with his stuff.

There are lots of places to see his work. Check it.
Right on

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